86 sinónimos encontrados en 13 grupos
  1. 1
    Significado: scenic
    breathtaking beautiful unspoiled picturesque spectacular pretty panoramic
  1. 2
    Significado: somewhat
    fairly rather pretty
    tolerably to some extent moderately
  2. 3
    Significado: attractive
    lovely gorgeous pretty exquisite
    comely beautiful good-looking
  3. 4
    Significado: attraction
    attractive pretty beautiful comely
    fair pleasing lovely
  4. 5
    Significado: to some extent
    nearly fairly pretty
    moderately halfway partially
  1. 6
    Significado: toy
    game die gewgaw pretty plaything
  2. 7
    Significado: rather
    to some extent fairly moderately reasonably
    pretty quite somewhat
  3. 8
    Significado: property
    panoramic breathtaking beautiful unspoiled
    picturesque spectacular pretty scenic
  4. 9
    Significado: play
    plaything game die
    gewgaw pretty toy
  5. 10
    Significado: delicate
    choice fragile dainty fine
    refined pretty select precious
  6. 11
    Significado: amount
    somewhat to some extent fairly moderately
    reasonably pretty quite rather
  7. 12
    Significado: size
    considerable ample notable large pretty
  8. 13
    Significado: striking
    beautiful pretty colourful
    charming interesting picturesque

ᐅ Todos los sinónimos para pretty | Significados y palabras similares

Sinónimos anteriores y posteriores a pretty

  • pretence
  • pretend
  • pretended
  • pretender
  • pretending
  • pretense
  • pretension
  • pretentious
  • preternatural
  • pretext
  • pretty
  • prevail
  • prevailing
  • prevalence
  • prevalent
  • prevaricate
  • prevarication
  • prevaricator
  • prevent
  • preventative
  • prevention